Design – Joe Jo’s Pizza & Gelato

Joe Jo's Pizza & Gelato custom Lego design render by Door County Bricks

Our absolute favorite pizza place in Door County, which is Joe Jo’s in Ephraim.

About this design

We’ve been going to Joe Jo’s Pizza & Gelato in Ephraim ever since our very first Door Country trip in 2008. So, it was a given that our favorite pizza place was going to be on our project list.

Of course, with a place that serves both pizza and gelato, we wanted to make sure we had room for both. Therefore, we have a little gelato display freezer on one side and a pizza counter on the other.

That left enough space for a table for our Lego miniature family and a small register. We wanted to have a few windows, too. Whenever we’re enjoying our dinner, we like to sit by the windows and watch the hummingbirds at the bird feeders outside. We couldn’t get the table next to window this time, but we still want to include them.

Lastly, we wanted to feature one of the very beautiful quilts that have on the walls in the restaurant. So that’s what you’re seeing behind the register there.

Project status: Completed

At last, our Joe Jo’s Pizza & Gelato project has been completed. You can find photos and more details in our Joe Jo’s Pizza project post.